The 7 Spiritual Principles for Optimal Health & Wellness

The 7 Spiritual Principles for Optimal Health & Wellness is a unique and encompassing approach to achieving your health and wellness goals. It integrates your body, mind, and spirit to position you for success. The 7 Spiritual Principles for Optimal Health & Wellness provides a step-by-step guide and practical tools to create and implement your personalized nutrition, health, and wellness plan. Take the free course to learn more about the Spiritual Principles for Optimal Health & Wellness and how they can support your wellness journey.

Why You Need a Spirit, Mind, & Body
Approach to Your Wellness

The 7 Spiritual Principles for Optimal Health & Wellness

I created the 7 Spiritual Principles for Optimal Health & Wellness to be a comprehensive, body, mind, and spirit approach to achieving your health and wellness goals. 

There are so many diets, fads, and health ‘plans’ that don’t address the whole person. You are more than what you eat! Yes, you need reliable and credible information on what to eat, but to achieve optimal health, you have to also factor in your lifestyle, your schedule, and other people - especially those that impact your decision making. It also requires that you have the right mindset for wellness which can be an enormous challenge. You may not even be aware that you haveself sabotaging thoughts or beliefs that are undermining your ability to stay on track with your daily healthy habits. 

Unfortunately, changing one’s mindset can feel impossible. That’s where your spiritual life comes in. God has the power to change your mindset which empowers you to stay on track each day so you can realize your health goals. So, you need the right food plan, mindset, and God. That’s a lot! 

The 7 Spiritual Principles for Optimal Health & Wellness gives you a step-by-step approach to each of these components, and the practical tools to apply them every day. This body, mind, and spirit approach will empower you to finally achieve and maintain your health and wellness goals. 

Each course in the WLT Academy incorporates The 7 Spiritual Principles for Optimal Health & Wellness to ensure that you have everything you need to implement and maintain your wellness plan.

To learn more about the 7 Spiritual Principles for Optimal Health & Wellness, view the mini-course.

Complimentary Course